Monday 28 December 2015

Why I wear makeup!?

Hello all you beautiful humans! 
Sorry i have been away for a while but iv been ill (still am) also been Christmas basically the usual winter stuff haha anyway today I will be answering the question I get asked all the time.... Why do you wear so much makeup!?

People have different reasons for wearing makeup my personal reason is confidence I am not someone who is comfortable with how they look naturally and that's just me. Some days I'll look in the mirror and think eeww and some days I will think damn I'm flawless no makeup today haha but majority of the time I like to wear makeup to hide my imperfections. 
Makeup I would say is like a mask when I apply it I feel much more confident in myself I just feel like a completely different person like I can take over the world all from applying a bit of lippy but that's just how I feel and I love it!!!!  I can never be wearing to much makeup the more I put on the more I feel confident and positive about myself. 
For someone with social anxiety feeling good about yourself is a key thing before being able to go out in public so that's how I help my anxiety also by applying "my mask" 

The only makeup I will wear now is Younique because even if I apply loads I only feel as though I have a bit on because is just so light plus it is all long lasting so I don't have to worry about re applying all the time perfect

I hope I have explained that well enough I'm running out of blog ideas now haha would love if you could comment ideas or message me that would be perfect! I love you all and will be posting again soon! Xoxo

Facebook: Megs beauty
Instagram: Princess_megs_96
Twitter: @meganjade1996

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