Thursday 5 November 2015

My anxiety story and how Younique has helped...

Today is more of a personal blog rather than talking about Younique products, but still does contain Younique goodness! 

Anyway back in 2012 when I left school I was outgoing, loud, drinking all the time just a normal teenager really then something changed. Suddenly I became more quite and more keeping myself to myself. I lost all my friends and stopped going out I felt as if my life was over! 
I then ended up on ESA (employment support allowance which is where I become signed of from work because I'm not fit for work which I hated I wanted to be able to earn my own money I wanted a reason to get up in the morning I wanted to be normal.
One night I was scrolling through Facebook and I saw a post "add as many people to my group and you will win a 3D fibre lash mascara" I was thinking well why not! So I did it I added my whole friends list and won I was so happy and chuffed and super excited to be able to see what the fuss was about with this mascara. Few days later I received my mascara tried it and was honestly amazed!! I got speaking to Elle (the competition host) and she started telling me about her Younique business I was so intrigued by this! So I saved up and joined.....


Ever since joining I have made lifelong friends including my first teamie Charlotte she was also my first customer I met her with her order IN PERSON and for someone with social anxiety that's big so I was already making big changes only a few days in, 
my confidence is so much better now! And I now have my reason to get up in the morning to run my business and get my sales in and hire more teamies to get my company growing I LOVE IT! I feel like a new women.

So if anyone reading this has anxiety or even if you don't and your not to sure about joining DO IT what's there to lose....?

I love my job and I love the new me! I'm not 100% cured like I couldn't go out and make a speech but im getting there and all because I took that chance! 

I'll finish this blog saying "Do what makes you happy" just take chances if they work out then great if not then oh well carry on searching! 
Love you all I hope your all having a great day/night Xoxo 

Facebook: Meg's beauty
Instagram: megs_younique_boutique

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